November 2015 • The PCB Design Magazine 73
Accelerating the
PCB Design Cycle
in addition to all of the typical design challenges,
designers have to be efficient three-dimensional
puzzles solvers because time-to-market is still a vi-
tally important objective. After all, time is money.
So how do today's designers balance the technical
and timing demands? There isn't one answer.
Cadence Reports Q3 2015
Financial Results
Cadence reported third quarter 2015 revenue of
$434 million, compared to revenue of $400 million
reported for the same period in 2014. on a GAAP
basis, Cadence recognized net income of $78 mil-
lion, or $0.25 per share on a diluted basis, in the
third quarter of 2015, compared to net income of
$38 million, or $0.12 per share on a diluted basis,
for the same period in 2014.
Lightning Speed Laminates:
Impact of Final Plated Finish
on PCB Loss
The reason that most plated finishes cause in-
creased insertion loss compared to bare copper
is that most plated finish are less conductive than
copper. Electroless nickel/immersion gold (ENiG)
is a very good finish. however, the simple fact is
that nickel is about one-third the conductivity of
copper, and a circuit with ENiG will have more in-
sertion loss than the same circuit with bare copper.
Rick Hartley Named
Top-Rated Speaker at
PCB West
hartley drew wide acclaim from the attendees in
his class, scoring a 9.75 rating out of a possible 10
from the 52 evaluations returned. one hundred
percent of attendees also rated the class either ex-
tremely relevant or relevant.
The Readers Speak:
Tips on Accelerating your
Design Cycle
This month, we decided to collect feedback from
the readers—PCB designers and engineers work-
ing in the trenches each day. We asked our read-
ers to provide their favorite tips, tricks, and tech-
niques for speeding up the PCB design cycle. here
are 10 tips for cutting your design time, courtesy
of designers just like you.
The Material Witness:
Nonwoven Aramid
Reinforcement is Back
What was Thermount exactly and why was there
such a furor when DuPont announced its prema-
ture demise? And where do we stand now with
the redevelopment of a nonwoven aramid prod-
uct? The original 85NT product was based on high
tensile-strength para-aramid fiber with a meta-ara-
mid fibrid binder. for the latest circuit design news
and information—anywhere, anytime.
November 2015 • The PCB Design Magazine 73