24 SMT Magazine • December 2015
American Standard circuits' Unique offer-
ings contribute to Long-term Success
At the recent iMS RF and micro-
wave show in Arizona, Anaya
Vardya, CEo of American Stan-
dard Circuits discussed the current
market trends, the company's re-
cent equipment investments, and
where ASC's growth will likely come from.
bGA or cGA: When Is It right for you?
This interview with Topline president
and founder Martin Hart focuses on
column grid array (CGA) and how
Cga can solve delamination prob-
lems. CGAs, also known as CCGA, are
not necessarily new but are making a
strong comeback in the high reliability market.
A Look at the High-reliability
Interconnect market
in an interview with i-Connect007,
Mark Cormier of Miraco inc. dis-
cusses his company's activities and
capabilities, the latest trends and
drivers in the high-reliability seg-
ment, and their strategies when it
comes to managing their assembly work as well as
their audit processes to find EMS providers.
Solder Jet Printing: Is It the right Time?
publisher barry Matties gets an up-
date from nico Coenen, sales direc-
tor for Mycronic, on their solder jet
printing system. Mycronic has been
developing and pioneering this
technology for 10 years and they believe now is
the time for it to gain real traction.
A Look at Saki's Approach to 2D, 3D
and X-ray Technology
At nEPCon 2015 we sat down with
nori Koike, Coo of Saki of Japan, to
discuss the latest demands for 3D
and their approach to inspection.
Saki has built a line-up of tools that
covers the inspection spectrum.
Zentech's John Vaughan on the mil/Aero
Sector: "It's Headed Up"
i-Connect007 publisher barry
Matties and Zentech's John
vaughan had a chance to dis-
cuss industry concerns within
the mil/aero segment at ipC
APEX EXPo 2015. The two
also shared thoughts on the
space industry.
ready to Hire! blackfox Provides IPc
class 3 Training to Veterans
Read this interview with Al
Dill, president and CEo of
Blackfox Training institute,
for an in-depth discussion on
Blackfox's expansion plans for
north america and Malaysia.
Dill also describes the highly
successful veteran's training
program in longmont, Colorado.
california congressman mike Honda
Discusses American manufacturing
barry Matties, publisher
of i-Connect007, sat
down with Congress-
man Honda, who rep-
resents District 17 in the
Silicon Valley, and talked
with him about Ameri-
can manufacturing, in-
frastructure, education
and some of the current
thinking in America.
A conversation (and Day) with Joe Fjelstad
industry veteran Joe Fjelstad,
CEo and founder of verdant
Electronics, met up with Barry
Matties recently to spend a
day together enjoying their
conversation that ebbed and
flowed between a wide va-
riety of topics including the
"war against failure."
24 SMT Magazine • December 2015
SmT magazine's
best of 2015