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46 SMT Magazine • May 2016 tronic Controls Design (ECD), is RecipePro. ECD is well known for their thermal profiling and analytical software solutions. RecipePro is a recipe generator tool. The recipe generator is used to create a starting group of settings or what we call a recipe to be used in the oven. It allows a user with limited knowledge about thermal profiling an oven to enter some simple attributes about the PC board, and the recipe generator will create a starting recipe. It dra- matically reduces the oven setup for a specific printed circuit. What's unique about it and how it differentiates us is we have other competitors that actually have a similar tool that they've contracted with third parties. One of the things that we found and is critical to the success of a tool like this is that it has the correct algo- rithms, so the background technology needs to be right. One of the things missing from the competitive solutions is the convection rate for the heat transfer is not included in competitive algorithms. When we selected ECD to come up with a new tool to do this, we wanted to find a partner that would include the convection rate in the by Stephen Las Marias I-ConneCT007 BTU International provides advanced ther- mal processing equipment and processes to the electronics assembly markets, focusing on SMT reflow ovens and high temperature custom- built furnaces. A wholly owned subsidiary of the Amtech Group, BTU has operations in Bil- lerica, Massachusetts, in the United States, and in Shanghai, China. In an interview with I-Connect007 at the recent IPC APEX EXPO event in Las Vegas, Bob Bouchard, corporate marketing manager at BTU, talks about the latest developments in their products, how their technology is helping users reduce their setup times, and the impact of Industry 4.0 in the electronics assembly in- dustry. Stephen Las Marias: Bob, tell us about your latest technologies. Bob Bouchard: Sure. One of the things that we've been working on with our partner, Elec- FEatuRE intERviEw

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