78 The PCB Design Magazine • July 2016
PCBDesign007 to Launch
"Design Tips" Feature
PCBDesign007 will soon
launch Design Tips, an ongo-
ing feature that will be driv-
en solely by input from PCB
designers and design engi-
neers. All you have to do is
send us your favorite design
tips, tricks and techniques.
This information can encom-
pass any area of PCB design
or design engineering.
Beyond Design: The Case for
Artificial Intelligence in
EDA Tools
There has been a lot of ac-
tivity in the field of artificial
intelligence recently, with
such developments as voice
recognition, unmanned au-
tonomous vehicles and data
mining to list a few. But how
could AI possibly influence
the PCB design process? This
month, Barry Olney will take a look at the endless
The Importance of Design
for Profit (DFP)
In this interview, In-
terconnect Design So-
lutions' Mike Brown
and Barry Matties
took a few minutes
during the recent
Geek-A-Palooza event
to discuss the impor-
tance of material se-
lection and designing for profitability, how auto-
mation affects the design process, and the future
of the design community.
Changing the World of
PCB Rapid Prototyping
Tony Tung is a re-
cent graduate from
Taiwan who has
come up with a new
way for PCB design-
ers and makers to
create breadboards
using printed paper
circuits. I caught up with Tony at the recent San
Mateo Maker Faire and sat down with him to learn
more about this project.
Recent Highlights from PCBDesign007