August 2016 • The PCB Design Magazine 85
IPC Designers Council OC
Chapter Meeting Features
Julie Ellis of TTM
Last month, Judy War-
ner attended the Orange
County chapter of the
IPC Designers Council.
Once again, the room was
packed with over 70 PCB
designers and electronics
professionals. This "lunch-
and-learn" meeting fea-
tured a presentation by
Julie Ellis of TTM, "Printed Circuit Board Cost-
EDA Industry Revenue Up
4.5% to $1.96B in Q1 2016;
PCB up 2.8%
The Electronic System De-
sign (ESD) Alliance reports
that EDA industry revenue
increased 4.5% in Q1 2016
to $1.96 billion, compared
to $1.87 billion in Q1
2015. PCB/MCM revenue
of $166 million in Q1 rep-
resents an increase of 2.8%
over Q1 last year.
Designing for Profitability:
Don't Over-Materialize
John Bushie, applications
engineering manager at
ASC, spoke with Barry Mat-
ties recently about ways
that designers can avoid
over-materializing. He also
outlined the benefits of de-
signing for profitability.
UVA Teaches PCB Design
With NI AWR Tools
"Using NI AWR
software in my
RF and micro-
wave classes and
labs has given my
students strong
hands-on experi-
ence, as well as a
better view of how and why components inter-
act as they do," said Scott Barker, professor at
UVA. Barker teaches a class on RF and wireless cir-
cuits, using NI AWR design tools.
Designing With Tighter
David Ledger-Thomas is a
PCB design engineer with
Honeywell Aerospace. He's
spent decades designing
PCBs for a variety of appli-
cations, including defense,
aerospace, computers, and
high-performance audio. I
asked David to share some
of his thoughts on designing high-tech boards
with increasingly finer spaces, traces and pitch.
Cadence Reports Revenue
of $453M in Q2 2016
Cadence reported second quarter 2016 revenue
of $453 million, compared to revenue of $416
million reported for the same period in 2015. For
the third quarter of 2016, the company expects
total revenue in the range of $440 million to $450
million. for the latest circuit design news and
information—anywhere, anytime.