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58 SMT Magazine • December 2016 in terms of the cost of equipment, but also re- garding installation, training and support. Most reliable companies will have an experienced sales team and technicians available in-house through the entire buying process. Expectations for a Pre-Owned Equipment Reseller A responsible equipment sale begins with the knowledge of each piece of equipment, by your vendor, prior to bringing them back into the marketplace. Having hand-picked all pre- owned equipment prior to conducting the sale of each unit eliminates a lot of the guesswork for you. With the exception to buying pre-owned equipment at an auction or gambling with a "used/as-is" condition, your vendor should gath- er as much information as possible when pur- chasing pre-owned equipment for stock. Dealing with an experienced sales and technician team removes the risks that many buyers have come to know as "buyer beware" scenarios. Look for a company that does the trouble- shooting for you and always ask what servic- es are provided post-sale. Make sure these are The Hunt for the Best Pre-Owned SMT Equipment Supplier by Shannon Allard NORTHERN ELECTRONICS AUTOMATION (NEA) OF NH LLC When the time comes to increase capac- ity on the production floor, it doesn't always come with the necessary budget to buy new equipment and your options are limited. This is where buying pre-owned equipment is of- ten considered by many as unfortunate guess- work, dependent on your team and the source in which you decide you can trust to create an honest buying experience. Saving money upfront and receiving the equipment much earlier are only two of the main reasons why our customers normally de- cide to buy pre-owned equipment over new, in- cluding all peripherals. For example, feeders for your pick-and-place machines, carts, racks and platform tray feeders are all essential to start up or increasing your capacity for production. It seems that there are many SMT equip- ment resellers out there, some with many years of experience and others that are merely inter- mediaries between a company that's trying to sell their surplus equipment and you. With that in mind, think of what you can afford not only FEATURE

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