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68 The PCB Magazine • December 2016 a larger hole than the drill's nominal diameter due to the drill being rotated eccentrically (off axis instead of in line) as opposed to concentri- cally (rotating in a very tight spiral). Excessive spindle run-out will cause the hole size to be larger than specified, lead to rifling in the hole wall and cause overall hole roughness. Rifling is a defect characterized by a groove or ridge in the hole wall. In general, when spindle run-out is affecting hole wall quality, the remedy is to clean out the spindle collet or replace the col- let altogether. Summary It must be clear by now that there is more to drilling good holes than feeds and speeds. If anything, the information presented here underscores the difficult nature of trouble- shooting and getting to the root cause of de- fects. Defects such as wedge voids and plowing may also have additional contributing factors such as under-cured laminate, poor lamination practices and moisture in the pre-preg. PCB Michael Carano is VP of technology and business develop- ment at RBP Chemical Technology. To read past columns or to contact Carano, click here. VIA FORMATION AND MECHANICAL DRILLING, PART 2 The PCB Executive Forum focuses on critical issues: market trends, customer requirements and the economy. Learn from recognized in- dustry experts, and find out how your peers address common challenges. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet with other de- cision makers. Top on the agenda is delivering insight into successful PCB organizations. Brad Bourne, president and CEO of FTG Circuits will present, "How Can A 'Smaller' Company Survive and Thrive in Today's Environment? How We Did it and Advice for Others." Additional presentations will cover: • Using venture capital funding for small businesses with big ideas • Disruptive technologies • 3-D printing • fabricators and their supply chain in China • Flexible hybrid electronics • Product reliability • Industry challenges and more In addition to Brad Bourne, speakers include: • Mike Mayer, Technical Manager—USA, Continental • Joan Vrtis, Ph.D., Chief Technical Officer, Multek, Inc. • Dan Feinberg, President, Fein-Line Associates • Hamed El-Abd, President, WKK Distribution • Paul Semenza, Director of Commercialization, NextFlex Registration includes: • Admission to all event activities, including networking breakfast and luncheon • Speaker presentation materials • Contact information for event participants • Admission to the Exhibition—Show Floor opens Tuesday, February 14 • VIP dinner—exclusive activity for IPC members* *Not an IPC member yet? Register for PCB Ex- ecutive Forum and get a significant discount on IPC membership for 2017. For more informa- tion, contact Kim DiCianni, exhibits manager and membership representative, at +1 847-597-2823. PCB Executive Forum—Presented by the Raymond E. Pritchard Hall of Fame at IPC APEX EXPO 2017