84 The PCB Magazine • December 2016
EPTE Newsletter:
Printable Electronics—
A Practical Solution?
I attended a printable
electronics workshop in
Japan a couple of weeks
ago. The 200-person
crowd was made up of
people from R&D or-
ganizations, material
suppliers and machine
manufacturers. No one
there could be termed a customer; everyone was
there to learn and discuss the latest printable
Standard of Excellence:
Let's Get Flexible
Although flex and rig-
id-flex technology has
been around for many
years, it is only in recent
years that it has come
into its own. The rea-
son for the increased re-
quirements for the flex
and rigid-flex technol-
ogy is simple: Devices are getting smaller.
Schoeller Electronics Present-
ing a New Organizational
Structure in North America
At the recent SMTA Interna-
tional show in Rosemont, Il-
linois, I met Padraig McCabe
at Schoeller Electronics Sys-
tems' booth. It was obvious
that they had a lot going on
so it was good to be able to sit
down and get the full story of
their new organizational structure, name change
and the recent acquisitions of PCB companies.
Streamline Circuits:
The Importance of Being a
Sales-Driven Organization
I recently had the pleasure
of catching up with Tom Do-
slak, senior VP of sales and
marketing for Streamline
Circuits. We discussed how
the company got started,
technologies that seem to
be driving the marketplace,
critical equipment for today's PCB fabricator, and
how being a customer-centered, sales-driven or-
ganization serves as the key to their success.
Recent Highlights from PCB007