20 SMT Magazine • April 2017
Cicor Posts Record Order Intake and
Successful Turnaround in 2016
Cicor was able to get back on track again in the
second half of the year after a difficult first six
months. Turnover in the last financial year was
CHF189.5 million, 4.9% above the previous year.
ACDi Moves to New Facility in Maryland
EMS firm American Computer Development Inc.
(ACDi) recently moved to a new, more stream-
lined facility in Frederick, Maryland. The mod-
ernization and efficiency of the new facility posi-
tions ACDi for Industry 4.0 improvements, helping
them evolve into a smart factory.
Riptide Integrates Sparton's AHRS
Technology into UUVs
Sparton Corp. has integrated its industry-leading
Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) prod-
ucts on Riptide Autonomous Solutions unmanned
undersea vehicles (UUVs). Riptide chose Sparton's
revolutionary AHRS M-series due to the product's
ability to deliver another level of navigation preci-
sion in a very small form factor at low cost.
Libra Industries Embarks on Continuous
Improvements in 2016
EMS firm Libra Industries has spent more than
$636,000 on continuous improvements in 2016
as part of the company's ongoing quality efforts.
Jabil Adds Aerospace and Defense
Precision Machining Capabilities
Jabil Circuit Inc. has acquired the assets of Lewis
Engineering, a contract engineering and precision
machine shop for rapid prototyping and manufac-
turing aerospace products, turbine engine compo-
nents and industrial pumps.
Kitron Gets Communications Order
from Kongsberg
Kitron has received a NOK 120 million order from
Kongsberg Defence Systems (Kongsberg) for mili-
tary communications equipment. The equipment
to be supplied is related to a contract for deliveries
to KONGSBERG portfolio of projects in communi-
cation equipment.
Nortech Systems Reports Modest Sales
Drop in Q4 FY 2016
Nortech Systems Inc. reported net sales of $29 mil-
lion for the fourth quarter ended December 31,
2016, compared with net sales of $31.4 million for
the fourth quarter of 2015. Net sales for the 2016
fiscal year rose 1% to $116.6 million, compared
with $115.2 million reported for fiscal 2015.
ERAPSCO Awarded $64.6M U.S. Navy
Sonobuoy Contract
ERAPSCO, a joint venture between Ultra Electron-
ics Holdings plc and Sparton Corp., has received
subcontracts valued at $64.6 million for the man-
ufacture of sonobuoys for the United States Navy.
Kyzen Hosts Successful Aerospace
Solvent Seminar
Leaders in the aerospace industry recently gath-
ered at Kyzen corporate headquarters for in-depth
training on chemistry benefits. Kyzen hosted an
educational seminar on Wednesday, February 22,
2017 at its headquarters in Nashville for the aero-
space industry.
Etek Europe Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Etek Europe recently celebrated its 10th anniver-
sary last month. The event was honored with the
presentation of a crystal decanter, and a cake rep-
lica of Etek's Technology Center.