20 SMT Magazine • July 2017
by Martin Goetz and Ramesh Varma
Counterfeit electronic components are find-
ing their way into today's defense electronics.
The problem gets even more complex when
procuring DMS (diminishing manufacturing
source) parts. This paper will provide a brief in-
troduction to counterfeit prevention and detec-
tion standards, particularly as they relate to the
aerospace and defense sector. An analysis of in-
dustry information on the types and nature of
counterfeit components will be discussed to il-
lustrate those most likely to be counterfeited,
followed by a specific case at a major defense
The case involved two circuit card assem-
blies failing at test, whereby their root cause for
failure was identified as "unable to write spe-
cific addresses at system speeds." The error was
traced to a 4MB SRAM received from an ap-
proved supplier. Fifteen other suspect parts were
compared with one authentic part directly pur-
chased from a supplier approved by the part
manufacturer. Defects or anomalies were iden-
tified but not enough to unequivocally reject
these parts as counterfeit as the defects could
have also happened in the pre-tinning process,
which is a program-specific requirement if the
parts were stored for more than three years.
Through the subsequent analysis, subtle differ-
ences between the authentic and suspect parts
were identified and isolated. The methodolo-
gies and process chosen to identify counterfeit
parts will be reviewed and an assessment of the
results will be presented along with the defects
found in relation to the defect types reported in
relevant test standards.
The Defense Federal Acquisition Regula-
tions DFARS 252.246-7007 Contractor Coun-
terfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance
System defines a counterfeit part as:
An unlawful or unauthorized reproduction,
substitution, or alteration that has been knowing-
ly mismarked, misidentified, or otherwise misrep-
resented to be an authentic, unmodified electronic
part from the original manufacturer, or a source
with the express written authority of the original
A Case Study