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78 SMT Magazine • July 2017 FIELD FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION ing for us to be very responsive to their dynam- ic end-market demands. Las Marias: What are your strategies to ad- dress these issues? Gavelis: From a counterfeit risk mitigation perspective, IEC is the only EMS with an on-site Analysis & Testing Lab (ATL) that has been ap- proved by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for their Qualified Testing Supplier List (QTSL) program. What this means is that we have es- tablished quality systems to minimize the sup- ply chain risk to our customers through risk mitigation strategies, processes, and capabili- ties. Having the on-site lab allows us to perform a wide range of tests required to ensure the ap- propriate inspection, test, and authentication (IT&A) methods are followed as outlined in DFARS 252.246.7008, which was issued in Au- gust 2016. The lab is ISO 17025 accredited and can perform destructive physical analysis (DPA) testing per MIL-STD-1580 as well as testing per AS5553, AS6081, and AS6171 which are other industry approved standards. IEC can be highly responsive to our custom- er's end-market demands with its vertical man- ufacturing services. Beyond PCBA, IEC offers precision metal-working and interconnect solu- tions, allowing us to control the cost, time, and quality for our customer's high-level assemblies. In addition, beyond manufacturing, we deliver a full spectrum of solutions such as design and test development including custom functional test design, reliability testing, high level assem- bly services, and logistics management to sim- plify our customer's supply chain. Las Marias: What are the critical issues to consider right now when it comes to electronics assembly supply chain for the mil/aero market? Gavelis: The critical issues facing the mili- tary and aerospace supply chain are volatile end market dynamics, industry compliance and life- cycle/obsolescence. Las Marias: Regarding component obsoles- cence, how do you ensure the availability of ob- solete parts? Gavelis: Strategic sourcing begins with the product design just as much as the final deliv- ery. We provide component engineering ser- vices with industry leading databases to assess component lifecycle and risk. If a component is identified as nearing end of life, we provide a strategic sourcing strategy, which may include a last-time buy, as well as provide an overall risk mitigation test plan if needed. The last step would be for our Analysis & Testing Lab to de- velop a full inspection, test, and authentication (IT&A) plan, including the option of screening commercial parts to an industrial component at our manufacturing site. Las Marias: What about traceability? Gavelis: Because IEC is involved in the med- ical sector, traceability down to the board/com- ponent level is an area in which we have a lot of experience in. With A&D, using the DFARS as guidance, we are aligned with the three-tiered approach of sourcing electronic parts and can provide the expertise when recommending what type of inspection, test, and authentica- tion may be required. Las Marias: How do you ensure the security and reliability of your supply chain? Gavelis: Supply chain programs and partner- ships are key to ensure security and reliability for our customers. IEC has been in business for more than 50 years and has developed key stra- tegic partnerships with trusted global distribu- tors. Just as our customers demand excellence from their partners, we also hold our suppliers " IEC can be highly responsive to our customer's end-market demands with its vertical manufac- turing services. "

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