PCB007 Magazine


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July 2017 • The PCB Magazine 75 cal information was shared on the benefits of "being thin" and understanding power distri- bution. How Fabrication Affects Reliability— Flowing Reliability from Design to Fabrication & Targeting a Precise Defect with Data: Reliability Report on WRAP for Plated Through-Holes Hardeep Heer, VP and CTO with FTG, pre- sented on two topics impacting PCB reliabili- ty, the first focusing on the relationship be- tween design and fabrication. Hardeep began with a review of the current acceptability stan- dards across all market sectors, including life cycle expectations and failure rates. He dis- cussed reliability testing, including thermal cy- cling and IST testing along with the associat- ed results and data that can be achieved. A par- ticularly informative section was his review of typical PCB failures and the processes and ma- terials that impact reliability. Hardeep's second presentation discussed WRAP plating, which is defined as "the electrolytic hole plating deposi- tion continuously extending onto the surface from a plated via structure." Hardeep present- ed the strategy of a joint DoE between FTG and PWB Interconnect to study the failure modes on WRAP plating. The schedule is to complete the DoE later this year and present the results to the industry at the 2018 IPC APEX EXPO conference. Military Requirements for Reliability IPC Hall of Famer Dennis Fritz and Jeff Harms, Reliability & Maintainability Engineer- ing with the Naval Surface Warfare Center, were up next. They presented an overview of military requirements that have an impact on product reliability, with a focus on environmental con- ditions. They reviewed the requirements of the military standards SD-15, Performance Specifi- cation Guide and MIL-STD- 810, Department of Defense Test Method Standard. Several test methods were reviewed that are used to evalu- ate a product's capability to withstand environ- mental exposure, and concluded by providing a list of resources available to military contractors and suppliers. Collision of Quality and Reliability Requirements Dennis Fritz reviewed a thought-provoking presentation on the synergy between quality and reliability, and the impact on both related REVIEW OF THE 2017 IPC RELIABILITY FORUM Figure 4: Jimmy Baccam, Lockheed Martin. Figure 5: Denny Fritz, SAIC.

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