70 The PCB Design Magazine • August 2017
Using Vibration and Acceleration
Analysis to Improve Reliability
In harsh environments, fa-
tigue can be responsible
for up to 20% of failures.
Customers have come to
expect reliability across the
industry spectrum no mat-
ter where actual production
occurs. Reliable products
have less risk of failure, less field returns and less
warranty claims, all of which contribute to higher
Ultra Librarian Gets Advanced
PDF Scraping Capabilities from
Existing EMA Tech
"This is the first collab-
orative development ef-
fort for the Ultra Librar-
ian desktop software
since EMA acquired
Accelerated Designs,"
said Manny Marcano,
president and CEO of EMA. "This allowed us to
very quickly enhance the software to give our cus-
tomers faster part creation and higher fidelity out-
put with a significant reduction in download size."
Beyond Design:
FPGA PCB Design Challenges
The primary issue is generating
optimal FPGA pin assignments
that do not add vias and signal
layers to a PCB stackup or increase
the time required to integrate the
FPGA with the PCB. Engineers
generally do not consider FPGA
pin assignments that expedite the PCB layout.
Hundreds of logical signals need to be mapped to
the physical pin-out of the device, and they must
also harmonize with the routing requirement.
Ucamco Provides Free Reference
File Viewer for Gerber Users
Ucamco is now offering
a free Gerber reference
file viewer for the Ger-
ber user community.
The viewer provides an
easy way to see the cor-
rect interpretation of a
file. Diagnostics tools
help to analyze it. If the viewer reverse-engineers
an image on an invalid file, it will give a warning
that the file contains errors, thus helping to detect
invalid files.
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