50 The PCB Design Magazine • September 2017
• When the cavity has open end boundary
conditions, resonances arise when an integral
multiple of half wavelengths can fit between
the ends of the cavity.
• When the clock or data harmonics overlap
with the cavity resonant frequencies, there is
the potential for long range coupling between
any signals that run through the cavity.
• Stitching vias between GND planes can be
placed adjacent to each signal via transition to
minimize the possibility of exciting the cavity
• The frequency components of the voltage
noise are related to the peak impedance of the
cavity and the frequency components of the re-
turn currents.
• The goal of designing a high-performance
cavity is to push the peak frequency compo-
nents, above the bandwidth of the signals, and
to reduce the impedance peaks below the target
impedance level.
• A thin dielectric, in the plane cavity, is the
most effective way of reducing the peak ampli-
tude of the modal resonance.
• A dielectric material with a high dielectric
constant (Dk) should be selected to add more
planar capacitance.
• Effective ways of pushing up the parallel
resonant frequencies is by reducing the plane
size and by adding stitching vias between (sim-
ilar) planes of a cavity.
• Avoid square planes and simple L:W ratios
by choosing irrational numbers.
• Make the power planes slightly smaller
than the GND plane. This modifies the shape
of the fringing fields, pulling them back from
the edge.
1. Barry Olney's Beyond Design columns:
Learning the Curve, Plane Crazy, Part 2
2. Principles of Power Integrity for PDN De-
sign, by Larry D. Smith, Eric Bogatin
3. What is the resonant frequency of a cav-
ity?, by Eric Bogatin
4. Advanced PCB Design and Layout for
EMC, by Keith Armstrong
5. High-Speed Digital Design, by Howard
Barry Olney is managing director
of In-Circuit Design Pty Ltd (iCD),
Australia, a PCB design service bu-
reau that specializes in board-level
simulation. The company devel-
oped the iCD Design Integrity soft-
ware incorporating the iCD Stack-
up, PDN and CPW Planner. The software can be
downloaded from www.icd.com.au. To contact
Olney, or read past columns, click here.
Figure 4: Optimized PDN with projected EMI (Source: iCD Design Integrity).