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50 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2018 meetings? Sometimes I feel like for the people on the show floor, all they know is the show, and they never see that other half, which is the conference and the committee meetings. Do you get that feeling? Mitchell: I'm sure that happens for some people, but I know there are other people that are experiencing all the show has to offer. It just depends. For instance, if you're a sales person and you're there, guess what? You're not going to leave the show floor, and that's where you ought to be because I know people there last year who said, "Hey, in the first day I met my entire annual quota." That person really ought to be on the show floor, doing the selling. That's what their role is. That's where they're going to be the most effective they can be. For other people, they're going to spend time at committee meetings, standards meetings, and learning events, etc., and the show floor. That will be the guy that gets caught Wednes - day afternoon and buys something on the show floor from somebody else because they were tied up all day Tuesday, and that's why people have three days to check out the exhibits. Some instructors are going to be teaching the entire time and they may not even make it to the show floor. That's why we try to have the big food event one evening so people have a good motivation to go down to the show where we do the burgers, the dogs, and the brats and stuff. We pull everybody out on the show floor at 5 pm on Tuesday for the recep- tion, then on Wednesday we're having the ice cream social from 2s-4 pm on the show floor. Goldman: One of the good parts about San Diego is the fact that the meeting rooms and the show floor are so close together, right? Mitchell: Yes. Just down the escalator and you're right there. It's all a good thing. Goldman: Yes, it is. Thank you so much, John. We'll see you soon. Mitchell: Thank you, Patty. SMT007 During the 2017 International Printed Circuit & APEX South China Fair (HKPCA & IPC Show 2017) in Shenzhen, China, IPC Asia President Philip S. Carmichael speaks with I-Connect007 Managing Editor Stephen Las Marias about the move in the value chain that's driving the electronics manufacturing industry forward. He discusses the new market trends that will further the growth of the PCB industry, and how new manufacturing technologies will help bring the indus- try toward the vision of a lights-out factory. Carmichael also explains the need for knowledge transfer, education, and stan- dards, in the industry. Watch the interview here E Philip Carmichael IPC President, Asia on the Changes in PCB Value Chain IPC APEX EXPO 2018 PRE-SHOW SPECIAL COVERAGE

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