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70 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2018 Jaster: Actually, two emerging engineers have become vice chairs. Goldman: Fantastic. So they are delving into it. We all know how you can get really interested in this industry. Many of us kind of fell into it by chance, so it's nice that now we're making a concerted effort to bring people into the in- dustry and not letting it happen just by chance. Jaster: The nice thing is, because they do have the mentors, it's not like we're just saying, 'Here you go,' and they get overwhelmed by the size of APEX EXPO. They are getting some encouragement; they're getting direction from their mentors. I recall the first time I went to APEX EXPO—and I already had several years under my belt—it was almost overwhelming with the amount of choices of classes, techni - cal sessions, and the show floor. Having some- body to help mentor them and help get them through that process and find the most benefit for them is very helpful. We owe a big thanks to our mentors for stepping up and doing that, as well. Rowe: I second that. We have seen our men- tors and our emerging engineers interacting off in a corner, or looking at the directory trying to determine where they were going. It is re- al-time event. It's not a mentor saying, 'I'm here to help you and you come find me.' The mentors are reaching out to the emerging en- gineers and really guiding them through those activities. Goldman: They volunteered to be a mentor and so they've got a real interest, and that's good to hear. Rowe: They've taken it to heart. Jaster: What was really interesting last year, our second year, was watching the emerg- ing engineers bond as well. The second-year ones kind of took the first-year engineers un- der their wings and tried to help them along. To me it's just been an overwhelming success at how well the folks that are involved in the program are enjoying it and taking advantage of all the opportunities that they have. Goldman: I take it you expect to continue to ex- pand the program? Jaster: We do. Rowe: As we mentioned, we have slots open for this year and we have a number of appli- cants. The deadline was December 15, for the 2018 class. I know that we have some individ- uals who've expressed interest and we're just waiting at this point in time for their paper- work to come in. We do have four that have al- ready sent their applications in. If someone applies, we don't automatically accept them into the program. We review the applications. We also have had individuals ap- ply and asked to be waitlisted, just like you have a university situation with delayed ad- mission. We've had a situation already where we were able to accommodate the individ- ual because he couldn't attend the first year. He said, 'I'm interested in this program, I just can't come to APEX EXPO,' so we delayed his start until the following year. We do try to ac- IPC APEX EXPO 2018 PRE-SHOW SPECIAL COVERAGE