used on HDI designs, there is also an impact to
the power integrity the PCB.
Three Perspectives for HDI Design
and Manufacturing Success
Mike Creeden, CID+, has
been in the PCB design
industry for more than 40
years now. In June 2003,
he founded San Diego PCB,
which was acquired by Mil-
waukee Electronics about a
year ago. Mike spoke with us about the latest
HDI design techniques, as well as the pros and
cons related to this cutting-edge process.
Who Really Owns
the PCB Layout?
One would think that the title
of this article should be a no-
brainer. The fact of the matter is
that the ownership of this vital
aspect of electronic design is not
only cloudy, but it will become
murkier in the next 10 years. This murkiness is
also an opportunity for mechanical engineers
who aren't afraid to expand their horizons. Paul
Taubman of Nine Dot Connects has more.
Beyond Design: Next-Gen PCBs—
Substrate Integrated Waveguides
As PCB transmission frequencies head toward
100GHz, copper interconnect is reaching its
performance threshold. Metallic waveguides
are a better option than traditional transmis-
sion lines, but they are bulky, expensive and
non-planar in nature. However, recently, sub-
strate integrated waveguides (SIW) structures
have emerged as a viable alternative.
Designers Notebook: Strategies
for High-Density PCBs
As hand-held and portable electronic products
and their circuit boards continue to shrink
in size, the designer is faced with solving
the physical differences between traditional
printed board fabrication and what's com-
monly referred to as HDI processing. The pri-
mary driver for HDI is the increased complex-
ity of the more advanced semiconductor pack-
age technology.
PCB Libraries Rebrands Flagship
Product, Library Expert Pro
The Library Expert
Pro, the industry's
original IPC-7351-
based footprint gen-
erator, has outgrown
its name, and is now
Library Expert Enterprise. This change bet-
ter reflects the advanced features it currently
has, the new features planned for 2018, and
its capacity to provide enterprise-level library
solutions. Some of the largest companies in the
world are taking advantage of these features at
the enterprise level in their organization.
Mentor Paper: The Benefits of
Model-Based Engineering in
Product Development
Simulation models are often used to help
develop today's system designs. Unfortunately,
the typical system model is seldom fully lever-
aged throughout the development process. This
paper by Mentor, a Siemens business, describes
how model-based engineering increases the
productivity of the development process and
enables informed design decisions.
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