IoT Data Traffic Per Node: The New Critical
Metric for IoT System Designers
The best IoT message bandwidth planning may
not survive the first contact with real-world data
as IoT system integrators (SIs) and network
planners face the challenge of developing a
project concept while at the same time antici
pating the data traffic use case requirements.
Global Smartphone Production Growth
Will Drop to Only 5% in 2018
According to the latest research by TrendForce,
Chinese smartphone brands have continued
the prior year's strong growth momentum in
2017, bringing the global smartphone produc-
tion to 1.46 billion units, an increase of 6.5%
compared with 2016.
Global Defense Spending Forecast
to Reach $1.7T in 2018
Global defense expenditure is set to increase
again in 2018 to reach its highest level since the
end of the Cold War, according to the annual
Jane's Defense Budgets Report released today
by IHS Markit.
Intervention in the Memory Market
by China's NDRC May Affect Prices of
Mobile DRAM
On 22 December 2017, China's National Devel-
opment and Reform Commission (NDRC) held
a meeting with representatives
from Samsung
to express concerns about Samsung's role in the
continuing price increase for memory products.
IHS Markit Identifies the Top 8
Technology Trends for 2018
From the Internet of Things (IoT) to the cloud
to artificial intelligence, industries are seeing a
new wave of technologies that have the poten-
tial to transform and significantly impact the
world around us.
Shipments of Cellular M2M Terminals to
Reach 13.7 Million by 2022
Berg Insight released new findings about the
market for cellular M2M terminals. About 4.9
million cellular M2M terminals were shipped
globally during 2016, up by 28% from the
previous year.
Worldwide Spending on 3D Printing
to be Nearly $12B in 2018
Global spending on 3D printing (including
hardware, materials, software, and services)
will be nearly $12 billion in 2018, an increase
of 19.9% over 2017. By 2021, IDC expects
worldwide spending to be nearly $20 billion
with a five-year compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 20.5%.
Electronic Industry News
and Market Highlights