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SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE 2018 I I-CONNECT007 11 programs are grounded in and driven by real- world application that's happening right now. Attendees had access to new research on mate- rials and processes, opportunities to learn more about trending materials, applications and pro- cesses such as Industry 4.0 (including a live demonstration on the show floor by over two dozen exhibitors using IPC CFX), and e-textiles. IPC APEX EXPO's full- and half-day profes- sional development courses blended tradi- tional electronics industry topics with hot-new developments, delivered by corporate tech- nologists, consultants, training center staff, and university faculty. Attendees chose from an array of leading topics such as: PCB fab- rication troubleshooting; dispensing/jetting; printing; manufacturing yield, defect analysis, failure analysis; reliability and design for excel- lence (DFX). Part of the fun of attending IPC APEX EXPO is learning from individuals who are influential in the industry. This year's opening keynote speaker, Jared Cohen, founder and director of Google Ideas at Google, and currently CEO of Jigsaw (its successor arm with Alphabet Inc.), provided answers to the question on every attendee's mind: "What's next for the world of technology?" As the second keynote speaker, I covered an issue I am passionate about—educating the 21 st century workforce. It's critical that busi- nesses worldwide understand the issues facing the workforce as today's business and technol- ogy requirements continue to change at a rapid pace, and each company needs to know what it needs to do to attract the right talent and train them for success. When I spoke with exhibitors and attendees at this year's show, feedback was resoundingly positive. Attendees said that networking and educational events and activities helped them find new ways to solve challenges; the exhi- bition provided them the opportunity to meet suppliers that could help them save time and money, and foster new business opportuni- ties. Every year, IPC APEX EXPO provides me with unique ways of learning things that help me stay on top of current industry issues and concerns. Overall, I am proud of everything we accomplished in San Diego; I am equally as invigorated with everything we will do throughout 2018. We are already working on putting together next year's show, and look forward to our industry's continued support in making IPC APEX EXPO 2019 a success. S&T Real Time with... IPC APEX EXPO 2018 ribbon-cutting ceremony video.

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