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58 I-CONNECT007 I SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE 2018 is critical for process control and what is not. We reap the benefits of those discussions in the development of our robust manufacturing processes and how we develop new products. Another important benefit is the networking with peers that occurs. Often, our personnel might not know the answer to a manufactur- ing issue, but they may know someone who does, allowing us to address challenges before they become critical. We have also seen the benefits of IPC leadership when we deal with our customers. It has been very beneficial to us in the past to have our personnel recognized as industry experts in their specialties when working technical issues with customers. That is also why Rockwell Collins' volunteers lead and support many of the IPC research projects. Being recognized as one of the trusted sources of industry research, upon which the standards are based, has often ended disputes with our customers before they even start. Goldman: Our industry has changed over the years, as has IPC. Can you comment on the changes that have affected your company? Twedt: Originally, IPC was focused on circuit boards and circuit board reliability. Then it grew into assemblies, then components, etc. As IPC continues to expand into areas that affect the entire industry, our involvement has grown as well into these new areas. We need to be aware of new trends in materials, processes, components, reliability testing, etc. The elec- tronics company of today must also be aware of what elements are being proposed by the government, both in the U.S. and abroad. By keeping a watch on items that may be coming 2–5 years down the road, we are better able to prepare and adapt. Goldman: Would you like to include a few words regarding the future of your company and/or the electronics industry? Twedt: Rockwell Collins is very optimistic about the future of the industry. You see electronic instruments being embedded everywhere and the growth of new applications is accelerat- ing. For the avionics market, aging aircraft are being updated with modern electronics to make them safer and more reliable. New air- craft are being designed with new capabilities. We are confident we have positioned ourselves to lead in many of these areas. Goldman: Thank you for your time and again, congratulations on this most prestigious and deserved award for your company. Twedt: You are welcome. S&T About the Corporate Awards (From While it is individuals who volunteer their time and tal- ent, corporate support can be critical to any individual (or group of individuals) continuing to participate. These awards recognize companies who have not been content to "let the other guy do it," but who have actively made our industry better. The IPC Peter Sarmanian Corporate Recognition Award honors and recognizes an IPC member corporation (or appropriate division) in the printed circuit board indus- try (supplier, board manufacturer, or OEM) that has made contributions to the printed circuit board industry, while demonstrating support of IPC through participation in technical and/or management programs. This award is named for former IPC Board Chairman Peter Sarmanian, former president of Printed Circuit Corp. The IPC Stan Plzak Corporate Recognition Award honors and recognizes an IPC member corporation (or appropri- ate division) in the electronics assembly industry (sup- plier, EMS company, or OEM) that has made contributions to the electronics assembly industry, while demonstrat- ing support of IPC through participation in technical and/ or management programs. This award is named for for- mer IPC Board Chairman Stanley Plzak, former president of Pensar Corporation, and a founding member of the IPC Electronics Manufacturing Services Industry Manage- ment Council.

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