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78 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2018 Interview by Andy Shaughnessy I-CONNECT007 During DesignCon 2018, I met with Anaya Vardya and John Bushie of American Standard Circuits. Anaya and John recently co-wrote an eBook, published by I-Connect007, titled The Printed Circuit Designer's Guide to Fundamen- tals of RF/Microwave PCBs. We discussed their goals and the scope of this handy microbook, which fea- tures plenty of information that even high-speed digital designers can benefit from. Andy Shaughnessy: How are you all doing? It's good to see you again. Anaya Vardya: Great to see you, Andy. Shaughnessy: You've brought a copy of your new book, The Printed Circuit Design- er's Guide to Fundamentals of RF/Microwave PCBs. It's been great working with you guys on the book, and a lot of fun. I learned quite a few things when I was editing it. Vardya: I hope you did. Shaughnessy: That was the point of it, right? So what made you decide to write a book? John Bushie: Basically, we wanted to take all the experience we've gathered working with engineers throughout the years. Anaya has been in the industry for 30+ years. I have been around RF microwave for over 20 years, American Standard Circuits Discusses New RF/Microwave eBook both on the fabrication and the laminate side of the business. Since we get to work with so many designers on all their varieties of proj- ects, it was nice to be able to share some of that knowledge with a wider audience- Shaughnessy: Especially now that the digital people are seeing a lot of the same problems that the RF guys have been dealing with. Bushie: The data rates go up, the relative frequencies go up. They're dealing with the same challenges. Vardya: I think one thing that is important to note is that this is our second book. We actually started out writing a book on flex and rigid-flex. And we had a lot of design- ers who were asking us a lot of questions. We have to go back to the designers and say, "We need you to redo some things." Everybody was collectively losing a lot of time in the process. So we felt that book was very successful. I think it really reached out. So, we decided we wanted to do the same in the RF microwave sector, as John was saying. Bushie: The reality is, most of this stuff was written 100 times for a variety of different engi- neers working on all these different projects. And by capturing it in one compendium, while not the be-all, end-all of knowledge on the sub- ject, we believe that it will be a good primer for a lot of people touching into these areas of circuit design.