PCB007 Magazine


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4 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2018 Some say PCB manufacturing has not changed much through the decades, but what has changed is the required precision of those steps to achieve ever finer features at ever higher levels of quality and reliability. This month, our experts offer up new wet processes, and tips and best practices for successful plating, and more. Wet Processing Trends 2018 MacDermid Enthone Talks Wet Processing Trends in 2018 by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team Autocatalytic Gold: How it Fits as a Final Finish by Rick Nichols Advanced Copper Electroplating Process for Any Layer Via Fill Applications with Thin Surface Copper by Sanminda Dharmarathna, et al. Characteristics of New Electroless Au/Pd/Au Process for Fine-Line Applications by Tetsuya Sasamura, Ph.D., et al. 12 26 42 58 JUNE 2018 • FEATURED CONTENT 12 42 26 58

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