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74 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2020 designers with fabricators and material sup- pliers. We've been hearing this for years. Is it happening, or is that still just a wish? Brandman: It's happening. We're in commu- nication with a lot of designers. They con- tact us all the time, but I also run into a lot of cases where the designs weren't well thought through, and I wish that the designer had reached out to a PCB shop or a laminate man- ufacturer. Sometimes, designers design things that are great on paper but are not always great in reality. When you talk to front-end engineering people in a PCB shop, a lot of the time they're going back to the customer, say- ing, "Can we change this on your design? It was really hard for us to manufacture that." That's pushing the limits on that process for anybody. Those conversations right now are mainly happening organically. There's no for- mal communication. People are just designing something. They like our material or someone else's, and they go on Google to contact us out of the blue, which is great, but I'd love to be involved in promoting that communication. Matties: How is everything going from a busi- ness perspective? Brandman: Business is good, and our people are doing well. Our factories are in Spain. That was a scary time, especially when the [COVID- 19] numbers were going crazy in Spain, but we never closed or stopped going to the office. We were able to stay open, but we had to reduce our shifts and really be smart about it. Shaughnessy: What advice would you give to somebody who is new to designing boards with thermal issues? Brandman: My best advice is to reach out to your PCB shop and even reach out to the laminate that you're specifying. When you're designing, ask them if there's any input that they would have specifically on the design that would be helpful. If that conversation hap- pens, it will really help them in the long run. Shaughnessy: Communication eliminates a lot of problems. Brandman: Everybody has expertise and expe- rience. When you engage other people who know what they're talking about and what you're trying to do, you're always going to learn quickly. Matties: Jeff, it has been great to catch up with you. Brandman: Thank you so much. I look forward to meeting you again when things look a little better globally. DESIGN007

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