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SEPTEMBER 2020 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 57 be needed. That's a saying that's been around for a while, but it's very true. People think it's just an interconnect, but you have to consider that this PCB now is handling not just the elec- trical flow, it's handling the thermal flow as well. You have to have that in mind from the beginning. Again, talk to your suppliers and say what your need is. We've experienced some great conversations with OEMs, where we've been able to come up with a really good solution because they've involved us from the very beginning. When you know from the outset what's required, you can advise much better, and this can result in a lower total system or product cost. Talk to your suppliers. Then, the whole supply chain will be linked up as well. In terms of supply chain design, from the end-users to the PCB manufacturing suppliers, the more we can talk together, the more we can find better solutions that meet the market need at the right price point. Shaughnessy: Thank you, Alun. I appreciate your time. Morgan: It has been great talking to you, Andy. DESIGN007 LiDAR typically uses lasers, photodetectors, and read- out integrated circuits (ROICs) with time-of-flight (TOF) capability to measure distance by illuminating a target and analyzing the reflected light. LiDAR technology pro- vides the high-resolution, three-dimensional informa- tion about the surrounding environment necessary to make fully autonomous driving a reality. It also supports adap- tive cruise control, complements car cameras and radar and adds situational awareness. Historically, a barrier to broad adoption of LiDAR technology in vehicles has been the restric- tion of maximum power output of the laser in order to comply with eye safety guidelines. Allegro's photonics portfolio now includes devices made in silicon and InGaAs, providing components for both eye-safe, long-range 1D or 2D scanned front-facing LiDAR and side- or rear-facing FLASH LiDAR. Devices based on InGaAs operate at wavelengths at which the human eye is less sensitive (1500-1600nm), enabling higher laser power levels for longer range object detection beyond 200 meters. (Source: Globe Newswire) Allegro MicroSystems (Allegro), a global leader in sens- ing and power semiconductor technology, announced the acquisition of Voxtel, Inc, a privately held company specializing in advanced photonic and 3D imaging tech- nology including long-range, eye-safe Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). This acquisition brings together Voxtel's significant laser and imaging expertise with Allegro's automotive leadership and scale to enable the next generation of Advanced Driver Assistance Sys- tems (ADAS). Voxtel, Inc. has been pioneer- ing photonics since 1999, devel- oping cutting-edge solutions for military, space, automotive and surveillance applications. Its ultra-miniature lasers, read-out integrated circuits (ROICs), and near-infrared (NIR) and short- wavelength infrared (SWIR) pho- todetectors, supported by more than 38 US patents, represent one of the broadest LADAR/ LiDAR photonic technology suites available in the market today. Allegro's innovative portfolio of motor drivers, posi- tion sensors, regulators, and current sensors provides most of the key semiconductor components in the trans- mit and receive blocks of automotive LiDAR systems. Allegro MicroSystems Acquires Voxtel, Inc. to Drive Eye-Safe LiDAR Solutions

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