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8 SMT007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2023 Nolan's Notes by Nolan Johnson, I-CONNECT007 The Eyes Have It A great example of AI's power at pattern matching images in medicine is the Google Au t o m a t e d R e t i n a l D i s e a s e A s s e s s m e n t (ARDA) program, which turns retinopathy s c reening— once a te st p er f or med by an ophthalmologist—into a technician-level task. Given that only a small percentage of patients test positive for retinopathy, the AI-based assess- ment means that ophthalmologists now only see the patients who test positive on the app. e computers do the data-crunching, and the expert humans do the critical analysis using that data. e result is that many more patients can be reliably checked for retinopathy than ever before. e ARDA program is extremely successful.