Mentor Preparing for Next-Gen
PCB Designers
In this interview, Paul Musto, director of mar-
keting for Mentor's Board Systems Division,
explains the company's initiatives aimed at
drawing more students into PCB design. We
also discussed the recent movement of elec
trical engineers into PCB layout, the need for
students seeking to become PCB designers, and
some of the ways that young people are already
beginning to revolutionize this industry.
Polar Instruments Releases
Updates on Speedstack Tool
Polar Instruments released detailed informa-
tion documenting recent changes and improve-
ments to their Speedstack tool for rigid PCB
layer stackup design and documentation. Polar
Instruments claims that Speedstack PCB stackup
design tool slashes stack creation time to a frac
tion of that taken by traditional methods, reduc-
ing the chances of miscommunication with PCB
manufacturers and the supply chain.
Pulsonix Version 10.0 Features
3D PCB Design
The latest release of Pulsonix expands its prod-
uct portfolio with intelligent interactive edit-
ing within the 3D design environment. By
enabling the co-design of the PCB within the
2D PCB and 3D environments, Pulsonix short-
ens the time to market with a more productive
workflow and reduces costly errors.
Chuck Bauer Discusses the
Future of Packaging
When we decided to cover the
future of PCB packaging, we
knew we would have to inter-
view Charles Bauer, Ph.D.,
owner of TechLead Corpora-
tion. Chuck recently spoke
with Happy Holden, Andy Shaughnessy and
Barry Matties about current trends in packag-
ing, the need for product designers and manu-
facturers to communicate, and why no matter
how cool the technology is, cost is still king.
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