EPTE Newsletter: Taiwan Electronics are
Heating Up (Figuratively) E
Dominique Numakura considers electronics
manufacturing in Taiwan to be the barometer
for the global consumer electronics industry.
Market trends can be predicted by analyzing
shipping data from Taiwanese circuit board
manufacturers. Annual volume increases every
year, despite slow monthly cycles.
Aspocomp Raises Outlook for Net Sales
and Operating Result in 2018 E
Aspocomp Group Plc upgrades its outlook for
full-year 2018 net sales and operating result.
In 2018, net sales are expected to grow approx-
imately 15% compared with 2017 and the
operating result to be approximately EUR 2 mil-
lion. In 2017, net sales amounted to EUR 23.9
million and the operating result to EUR 0.8
Ventec at electronica 2018:
No Compromises for High-Frequency
Materials E
Ventec International Group will announce the
launch of its extended ceramic-filled hydro-
carbon thermoset material series designed for
the world's most demanding high-frequency
printed circuit board applications at this year's
electronica show in Munich.
I-Connect007 Publishes Automation
eBook by Happy Holden E
I-Connect007 is excited to announce the release
of the latest title in our eBook library: Automa-
tion and Advanced Procedures in PCB Fabrication.
The Changing Shape of the HDI Market E
With more mobile device designers looking to
utilize the benefits of FOWLP and other direct
attach package types, a new generation of HDI
PCBs is already in the market. Targeting less
than 30 mm features and based on mSAP tech-
niques, these substrate-like PCBs make use of
the latest high-end manufacturing processes
and materials, to enable the next evolution in
advanced HDI boards.
It's Only Common Sense: What the
Heck is an SEO? E
Have you ever wondered what it takes to get
to the top of a Google page? Why do some
companies always seem to have all the busi-
ness they need even without any outside
salespeople? It seems to be some kind of
black magic. How do they do it? Read on.
IPC President Commends White House
for Assessment of US Defense
Industrial Base E
On behalf of the electronics industry, I com-
mend the White House for the release today
of a sweeping and detailed assessment of the
nation's defense industrial base. The report
reflects more than a year of painstaking data
collection, sector by sector analysis, and indus-
try engagement.
FPCB Market to Display Significant
Growth by 2027 E
The demand for flexible printed circuit boards
by manufacturers of smartphones, other mobile
devices, LCD display, connectivity antennas,
and rechargeable batteries, is currently on
the rise. With exploding consumer electronics
sector, soaring popularity of IoT, and growing
applications in the automotive sector are iden-
tified to be the key factors that are likely to
hold a positive impact on the sales of FPCBs in
near future.