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34 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2018 Chapter Roundup and CID+ Certification The Digital Layout by Steph Chavez, CIT, CID+, IPC DESIGNERS COUNCIL This month's column will detail the pro- ceedings from the most recent IPC Designers Council (DC) Executive Board meeting. You will find updates on local chapters—from the United States (spotlight on the Silicon Valley chapter) to Mexico, France, and Asia—edu - cational opportunities, upcoming events, and one engineer's story to achieving CID+ certi- fication. Attendees The IPC DC Executive Board meeting included local members and leaders and a variety of IPC course instructors representing chapters across the United States: Tony Cosentino, Randy Fau- cette, Mike Creeden (MIT), Scott McCurdy, Bob Griffith, Gary Ferrari (MIT) Rick Hartley, Bob McCreight, Susy Webb, Paul Fleming (CIT), Faisal Ahmed, and me. Global Steering Committee The global steering committee meetings were approved at the last IPC DC Executive Board meeting and formally began at the most recent meeting. The next meetings are sched- uled for IPC APEX EXPO 2019, the third week in May, and PCB West. As mentioned in my last column, I was nominated and approved to chair a new communications committee com- prised of representatives from each of the IPC DC chapters. The first order of business was to resurrect the council's newsletter with industry media companies to discuss chapter reports, events, and other related news. During their fall meeting, the IPC Designers Council, Silicon Valley Chapter, toured Levi's Stadium.