Substrates for Advanced
PCB Technologies: What Will
the Future Hold? E
The UK chapter of the glob-
al IMAPS community of elec-
tronics and microelectronic
packaging engineers shared
a wealth of knowledge and
wisdom about PCB substrate
technology trends, develop-
ments, and future requirements in a webinar
on the first of November.
Increasing Productivity for
Flex Fabricators E
Barry Matties and Nolan
Johnson of I-Connect007 met
with Shane Noel and indus-
try veteran Mike Jennings of
ESI to discuss the introduc-
tion of their CapStone laser
tool, a product aimed at doubling their flex cir-
cuit fabricators' throughput. Mike also shares
advice for fabricators who are looking to move
into the ever-growing flex market.
It's Only Common Sense:
What the Customer Really Means E
As salespeople, one of
the things that we spend
a great deal of time do-
ing is trying to inter-
pret what the customer
is telling us. We all can
hear the customer and
what they are saying,
but so often, we don't know what they mean.
Jeff Waters:
Isola Updates E
During PCB West 2018,
Nolan Johnson and Bar-
ry Matties sat down with
Jeff Waters, Isola CEO, to
catch up on company ac-
tivities, including the re-
cent sale of the factory
in Chandler, Arizona, the
plan to build a new facility, product develop-
ments, current market dynamics, a new CFO,
and much more.
Editor Picks from PCB007
Dan Beaulieu
Jeff Waters
Shane Noel
Pete Starkey