September 2018 were up 9.6% compared to the same month
last year; this year to date, shipments are 10.2% above the
same period last year.
4. The United States District Court for the Southern District
of Illinois. "Chemetco Site PRP Group: Civil Complaint Case 3:18-
cv-00179," February 2, 2018.
5. Gold Hub. "Gold Prices," November 30, 2018.
6. Kamberovic, Z., Korac, M., Ivsic, D., Nikolic, V., & Ranitovic,
M. "Hydrometallurgical Process for Extraction of Metals from
Electronic Waste—Part 1: Material Characterization and Process
Option Selection," Association of Metallurgical Engineers of
Serbia (AMES), December 12, 2009.
7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "Circuit Board Com-
ponent Recovery for Electronic Waste Reduction," Small Busi-
ness Innovation Research (SBIR)—Phase I (2015), Investigators
Tjetjen, L., & Byron, W., Advanced Recovery and Recycling LLC.
8. Orbay, E.A., & Eksteeen, J.J. "The leaching of gold, silver
and their alloys in alkaline glycine-peroxide solutions and their
adsorption on carbon," Hydrometallurgy, Volume 152, Febru-
ary 2015, pp. 199–203.
9. Phys.org. "Sustainable technique recovers gold from e-
waste cheaply," University of Saskatchewan, February 3, 2016.
10. Wu, Y., Fang, Q., Yi, X., Liu, G., & Li, R.W. "Recovery of
gold from hydrometallurgical leaching solution of electron-
ic waste via spontaneous reduction by polyaniline," Progress
in Natural Science: Materials International, Volume 27, Issue
4, August 2017, pp. 514–519.
11. Bidini, G., Fantozzi, F., Bartocci, P., D'Alessandro, B.,
D'Amico, M., Laranci, P., Scozza, E., & Zagarolia, M. "Recovery
of precious metals scrap printed circuit boards through pyrol-
ysis," Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Volume 11,
January 2015, pp. 140–147.
12. Gannon & Scott Inc. "Meeting the Challenge of Sustain-
able PM Recovery," October 2018.
13. Zhang, L., & Xu, Z. "A review of current progress of recy-
cling technologies for metals from waste electrical and elec-
tronic equipment," Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 127,
July 20, 2016, pp. 19–36.
Andrew McManus joined Gannon &
Scott as general manager in 2016.
Previously, he spent 15 years at a
recycling company that processed
electronic waste and precious metal
scrap. Early in his career, McManus
worked in environmental and opera-
tions positions at manufacturing facilities involving
precious metals at metal-finishing shops and a flexible-
circuit operation. Andrew also served over 30 years in
the U.S. Army and Reserve retiring as a lieutenant
colonel. He earned an MBA in operations management
from Bryant University and a B.S. in chemical engineering
from the University of Rhode Island.
Gannon & Scott has been a precious metal processor
since 1919.
to help them pick up an object, the worker gives the robot a
hand signal. Another signal tells the robot to release the ob-
ject so it can be set down.
Professor Dimos Dimarogonas, coordinator of the proj-
ect at KTH's Department of Automatic Control, says that the
functionality is not platform-specific, so it can be transferred
to other robots during the next phase
when tests continue with Bosch.
"The robots will be in a larger dynamic
office environment and collaborate with
more robots and people. They will get
more advanced tasks, and with differ
ent types of agents," Dimarogonas says.
Other uses for the technology will even-
tually include healthcare facilities.
(Source: KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology report-
ed new progress working within the framework of the Hori-
zon 2020 European research project, Co4Robots. The proj-
ect has developed functionality that enables real-time ro-
bots to move in a dynamic situation while collaborating with
other robots and people.
The new functionality the project
has developed has since been as-
signed to the TIAGo robot from PAL Ro-
botics in Spain. TIAGo has gained a
sense of observation that it can use
to navigate in a changing landscape
such as an office. As the robot steers
itself around a workplace, it can iden
tify things that must be moved. When
a human co-worker wants the robot
Researchers Unveil Breakthrough in Human-machine Cooperation