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28 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2018 Our next meeting will be held in mid-Janu- ary of 2019 where officer elections will occur. Our long-time running chapter chairman, Bob Griffith, is being promoted to the IPC Executive Board, so a replacement will be voted in. Bob has rigorously contributed to the San Diego chapter for over a decade, providing not only his time and expertise but also his per- sonal funds when needed for the chapter to continue to grow and thrive. His hard work and dedication have allowed the San Diego chapter to evolve and stay alive over the years, and he will be greatly missed from the group. It is with much gratitude that the IPC San Diego chapter bids Bob Griffith farewell and the best of luck with his new IPC ventures. Bob has nominated the following people to take over these particular roles as he makes his transition, which will be voted on publicly with San Diego chapter members to make it official: • Luke Hausherr: Chairman • John Carney: Secretary • Crystal Hardy: Education coordinator The chapter would like to encourage any PCB professionals in the San Diego area to become a member of the group. Membership is easy, and best of all, it's free! Join us in January and take part in the officer election to help shape the outcome of the future for the chapter. If anyone else is interested in pursu- ing any of the above-mentioned roles, this is an open election, and all interested parties will be considered. If you're interested in learning more about the chapter, becoming a member, or pursuing a board position, please contact Luke Hausherr. ____________________________________ IPC CID and CID+ Success Stories by Stephen Chavez There were several recent IPC CID and CID+ classes throughout the months of October and November. Kelly Dack, Mike Creeden, and Gary Ferrari were the trainers for those classes and reported that their classes continued to have positive synergy with great results. Mike noted that his CID class held in Dallas had 18 students from Lockheed Martin. His other CID class held in Orlando had 23 students partici- pate from Lockheed Martin as well. Kudos to Lockheed Martin's upper manage- ment for recognizing the value of professional development of their staff. These two classes respectively involved more company focused and site-specific classes. Meanwhile, the fall IPC standards meeting and the PCB Carolina 2018 event, which always has IPC CID and CID+ certification classes, are more regional classes with students typically attending from all over the Midwest. The two most recent regional IPC CID and CID+ classes were held in Anaheim, Califor- nia, and the trainers were Paul Fleming and me. (Figures 2 and 3). Paul stated, "We had a great CID certification course in Anaheim earlier this month. It was a full class made up of students from all over the U.S. who brought with them a great variety of backgrounds and experience. Every class creates a unique experience for both the students and me. I'm always excited to see a new group of CIDs ready to step more fully into their role as a key part of the prod- uct design cycle. I'm proud to congratulate this new group of CIDs." The CID+ class was another success with students attending from all over the Southwest Figure 2: Paul Fleming teaching a recent CID certification class.