IPC's D.C. Focus: Chemicals Regulations,
Lead-Free, Export Controls E
From North America to Europe, Asia, and
beyond, the future of the electronics manu-
facturing industry is shaped in many ways by
government policies. That's why IPC main-
tains an active, multifaceted government rela-
tions program, including leadership and net-
working opportunities for member company
The PCB Norsemen: My Flexible Story—
Flex Circuit Development Through
the Decades E
Senior Technical Advisor Jan Pedersen is cele-
brating 26 years at Elmatica. In this column, he
shares his thoughts from his long experience
in this exciting industry, and talks about those
things that have changed a lot in the past few
decades, and the others that haven't.
DuPont on New Beginnings and
Empowering the Industry E
Andy Kannurpatti gives the I-Connect007
team an overview of the latest news from
DuPont Electronics and Imaging, includ-
ing investments toward the new production
assets in Ohio, Silicon Valley Technology Cen-
ter, and other facilities. He also details how
the company is engaging OEMs and PCB fab-
ricators and design teams, as well as some
exciting business updates coming this spring
and summer.
Better to Light a Candle: Chapter Two—
Introduction to PCB Fabrication E
As a reminder, "EE4800: Printed Circuit Board
Fabrication" is a hands-on class intended
to give engineering undergraduate students
an introduction to the basics of printed cir-
cuit design, fabrication, and assembly, which
started on January 14 of this year.
Trouble in Your Tank: OSP Performance—
Effect of Film Thickness and Microetch E
Two often overlooked performance attributes for
organic solderability preservatives (OSPs) are
the organic film thickness and the topography of
the copper after microetch. Film thickness up to
an extent is critical. However, the copper topog
raphy and surface preparation also play a role.
Thus, you should not overlook the critical nature
of the overall OSP film thickness. Read on.
New Technical Director and Upcoming
2019 EIPC Summer Conference E
Tarja Rapala-Virtanen is the newest techni-
cal director for the EIPC. I-Connect007's Nolan
Johnson and long-time EIPC conference attendee
Pete Starkey discuss her new role, the upcoming
summer conference in Leoben, Austria, and the
program in place for the June conference.
Super PCB's Jessica Zhang on LEDs and
Other Trending Business Areas E
In an interview with I-Connect007 at the recent
West Penn SMTA Expo, Super PCB Program
Manager Jessica Zhang provides an overview
of the company and shares new business
trends they're seeing, including LEDs, wear-
able devices, and more.
Alun Morgan on the Future of
PCB Materials E
The I-Connect007 editorial team asked Alun
Morgan, technology ambassador for Ven-
tec International Group, to discuss materials
at a high level. Our conversation delivered a
detailed overview of the current state of the
electronics industry.