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50 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2019 CEO of SnapEDA, who gave a talk on "Mis- takes Even the Best Engineers Make: How and Why to Build Better Libraries." Baker discussed the common pitfalls to avoid when creating libraries and shared examples of mistakes that inevitably creep into such a de- tail-oriented process and ways to avoid them. She has an electrical engineering background and was a knowledgeable and engaging speak- er. Lots of questions came up from the audi- ence, which provided a great learning dialogue for all who attended. Mentor, a Siemens Business, hosted the lunch, and we appreciated their support in helping defray the cost of our chapter event. We wrapped up our meeting with raffle priz- es provided by SnapEDA, Altium, Mentor, and Freedom CAD Services Inc. We look forward to our next meeting sometime in July. If you have Chapter Check-ins: Orange County, San Diego, and Phoenix In this month's column, I'm highlighting three individual IPC Designers Council Chap- ters at the same time, including the Orange County, the San Diego, and the Greater Phoe- nix Area Chapters. The three chapter presi- dents—Scott McCurdy, Luke Hausherr, and Randy Kumagai—share the success of recent events and activities. ______________________ Orange County Chapter by Scott McCurdy We had our last "lunch 'n learn" meeting April 25 in Irvine, California, with 39 designers and PCB pro- fessionals in attendance. Our speaker was Natasha Baker, founder and The Digital Layout by Stephen V. Chavez, MIT, CID/CID+, IPC DESIGNERS COUNCIL