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34 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2019 This month's column highlights the Monter- rey Designers Council Chapter located in Mon- terrey, Mexico. The chapter was established November 23, 2017, which makes it a younger chapter compared to several other global chap- ters currently in existence today. I also share news about a new chapter forming in Nogales, Mexico. Luis Saracho is the president of the Mon- terrey Chapter and an IPC Certified Advanced PCB Designer (CID+) with a true passion for designing board layouts, not to mention lead- ing and organizing chapter meetings. This chapter has yet to establish a solid leadership team, so Luis is basically running the show on his own there and has been doing an awesome job keeping this chapter active and successful. Their chapter meets quarterly (four times a year) with an average attendance of 12–18 at- tendees. Chapter meetings are typically held in the evening at a local university (ITESM Cam- pus Monterrey), and most meetings consist of a technical presentation. The chapter is look- ing into getting government support through CANIETI—an organization that supports tech- nical initiatives—but have had poor results to date. _____________________________ Chapter Spotlight: Monterrey by Luis Saracho, CID+ CHAPTER PRESIDENT Our recent chapter meeting was held Thurs- day, May 30, and went well overall. There were around 20–25 attend- ees from different workplaces (several industry fields were represented, including automotive, industrial, lighting, manufacturing of electrical households, etc.) who shared their experienc- es with analog/digital/power grounding tech- New and Thriving Chapters in Mexico The Digital Layout by Stephen V. Chavez, MIT, CID/CID+, IPC DESIGNERS COUNCIL A past Monterrey Chapter meeting (Luis Saracho on the far left).