The Digital Layout:
A New Beginning
In this column, Stephen
Chavez shares a letter from
the Legacy Officers and Board
Members of the IPC Designers
Council, introduces the for-
mation of the Printed Circuit
Engineering Association (PCEA), and invites
readers to consider future professional devel-
opment and event opportunities.
Elementary, Mr. Watson: Rebuilding
Trust When Things Go Wrong
When you look at the
long list of steps in-
volved in designing a
PCB, it can be some-
what overwhelming
and sometimes pretty easy to miss something.
Be assured when things go wrong, they go
very wrong. In his debut column, John Wat-
son shares some tips for rebuilding trust when
things go wrong.
What You Need to Know:
The High-tech Job Market
Andy Shaughnessy met with
Taylor Rousse, an engineering
recruiter for Aerotek, a high-
tech staffing company, at PCB
Carolina to discuss the de-
mands she sees in different in-
dustry segments and how it varies region to re-
gion. Taylor also offers advice for designers or
electrical engineers in the job market, includ-
ing tips on writing that perfect résumé and the
return of the counter-offer.
Connect the Dots: A Penny for Your
Thoughts on Copper
Copper is the primary metal
for standard PCBs. And while
standard PCB capabilities de-
pend on what materials are
used and how they are con-
structed, copper is the go-to
choice. Bob Tise explains some of copper's ap-
plications, advantages, and challenges.
Flex Talk: The Challenge
of Change
I recently kicked off a pre-
sentation on flex and rigid-
flex by asking for a show of
hands of those who had nev-
er worked with flex materials
or considered themselves to
be just learning how to de-
sign with flex.
Standard of Excellence:
Five Ways to Stay on Track With
Your PCB Vendors
One of the most important
aspects of the customer-ven-
dor partnership is to keep the
vendor aware of their stand-
ing with you. Anaya Vardya
shares five ways to ensure
that you and your PCB ven-
dors are on the same page when it comes to
how both of you are doing as working part-
PCBDesign007.com for the latest circuit design news and information.
Flex007.com focuses on the rapidly growing flexible and rigid-flex circuit market.
Bob Tise
Tara Dunn
Stephen Chavez
Taylor Rousse
Anaya Vardya