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FEBRUARY 2020 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 11 EXPO taking place the week of January 26–28, 2021. This happened in 2019 as well, and it was bad for both shows. Is it too late for one of these organizations to make a scheduling change? This Month At every trade show and conference, design- ers and design engineers mention issues that they're facing related to EMI and power distri- bution networks. In this edition, we asked our expert contributors to share their thoughts on fighting and even precluding EMI through prop- er PDN design techniques and more. We start with an interview with Lee Ritchey, who explains some of the causes and solutions to EMI issues, and why misinformation is not helping the problem. Next, Eric Bogatin out- lines why EMI is such a tricky problem, and why it's likely to continue to be a problem for some time. Istvan Novak discusses how to de- sign PCB test fixtures for improved power in- tegrity. Barry Olney focuses on PDN impedance and its effect on EMI. Tim Haag discusses some of the resources available to designers who are facing EMI challenges. And freelance designer Alexander Löwer ex- plains the variety of hurdles related to beating EMI, including non-technical aspects, such as the alphabet soup list of national and interna- tional regulations. We also bring you columns by our regular contributors Bob Tise and Matt Stevenson, Steph Chavez, Alistair Little, and John Coonrod. If these events are any barometer, 2020 is going to be a good year to be in this industry. DESIGN007 Andy Shaughnessy is managing editor of Design007 Magazine. He has been covering PCB design for 19 years. He can be reached by clicking here. As the expo opened on Tuesday, the keyword was data—design data, fabrication data, assem- bly data, and methods for making this data as accessible as possible. IPC-CFX (Connected Fac- tory Exchange) was a big topic of conversation on the show floor. High schoolers from IPC's STEM Student Out- reach Program were everywhere on Thursday, getting a taste of the high-tech world. It was nice to see fresh faces mixing with the grizzled vet- eran attendees. We certainly need more of them. We also congratulated our good friend Char- lie Capers of Trilogy Circuits, whose company was just acquired by Zentech. And I'd like to recognize our contributors who received hon- ors at the IPC Wednesday Committee Awards Luncheon, including Mike Creeden, Luke Haus- herr, Kelly Dack, Steph Chavez, Cherie Litson, Michael Ford, Mike Carano, and Karen McCon- nell. They volunteer a lot of their free time, so let's give them a big hand. Speaking of trade shows, we have a scheduling snafu next year, with DesignCon and IPC APEX Happy Holden shared anecdotes from his 50 years in the industry. IPC Wednesday Committee Awards Luncheon recipients.