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FEBRUARY 2020 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 23 can be conducted, preventing unscheduled downtime. The highly automated smart factory is sus- ceptible to any downtime machine failure. As the complexity of the smart factory increases, the potential upside is: 1. Reactive: Maintenance is simple. If it's not broken, don't fix it. The best cases are where equipment failure is rare, easy to fix, and with limited impact (e.g., switch- ing a lightbulb in a warehouse). 2. Preventative: Maintenance (or planned maintenance) uses routine maintenance to diagnose equipment for failure. It works and is widely employed, but it's costly and doesn't capture asset-specific conditions. 3. Predictive: Maintenance leverages data from an individual asset to predict failure. This way, repairs can be done when need- ed (and avoided when not). It offers the best upside, but at the cost of complexity. The smart factory is in its infancy, and much more is to come! PCB007 References 1. Personal communication with Atotech. 2. 3. 4. manufacturing/oml. 5. SEMI Standard E30, GEM-Generic Equipment Model, 6. "Semiconductor Productivity at HP," HP Journal, July 1985. 7. Message Automation & Protocol Simulation (MAPS™), GL Communications, Inc. Happy Holden has worked in printed circuit technology since 1970 with Hewlett- Packard, NanYa/Westwood, Merix, Foxconn and Gentex. He is currently a contributing technical editor with I-Connect007. To read past columns or to contact Holden, click here. Figure 12: The IPC-2581 open standard has now achieved critical mass with the participation of over 100 companies and a rich DPM.