in the form of a National Manufacturing Insti-
tute. This is where the HIR could help frame
what is needed there, and we expect to explore
this collaboration in 2021. An additional point
is the broad reach of the investments—DARPA,
NSF, Department of Energy, and Department
of Commerce. That is an indicator that these
manufacturing needs are not just for defense
purposes. National security in electronics
reaches beyond those traditional defense-spe-
cific requirements.
3. HI Roadmap A&D Status
The 2019 version of the HIR A&D Chapter
provides a landscape of HI in defense elec-
tronics, with a focus on government programs
driving much of the progress to date. Moving
forward, the A&D TWG will continue to gather
data and add to the chapter for the 2021 ver-
Figure 10 is the first high-level roadmap table
for HIR A&D. This is more qualitative than
quantitative at this point, but we expect that to
evolve somewhat as we drill down with more
specifics. There will also be links to other HIR
chapters with more details on certain topics,
such as photonics, thermal management, and
3D interconnect. The A&D TWG will work on
gathering inputs for the Rev 1.0 version that
will appear in the 2021 update. People inter-
ested in contributing to this effort should con-
tact the author or Dr. Tim Lee at Boeing, the
other co-chair of the A&D TWG. SMT007
1. IEEE Electronics Packaging Society, "Heterogeneous
Integration Roadmap."
2. Daniel Green, "DARPA's CHIPS Program and Mak-
ing Heterogeneous Integration Common," 3D-ASIP 2017,
December 2017.
3. Andreas Olofsson, "Common Heterogeneous Inte-
gration and Intellectual Property (IP) Reuse Strategies
(CHIPS)," The Electronics Resurgence Initiative.
4. Andreas Olofsson, "2.5D/3D Foundry Workshop:
CHIPS 2.0," December 2018.
5. NSTXL, "State-of-the-Art Heterogeneous Integrated
Packaging (SHIP) Prototype Project."
6. Phil Garrou, "IFTLE 455: Advanced Microelectronics
Is Coming Home," 3DInCites.
7. 116
Congress, "H.R.7178 - CHIPS for America Act,"
Jeff Demmin is a semiconductor and
defense project manager at Keysight
Technologies, as well as the co-chair
of the HIR Aerospace and Defense
Technical Working Group.
Figure 10: The first version (Rev 0.1) of the HIR A&D Roadmap is qualitative at the start.
The A&D TWG will seek inputs to populate it further in the 2021 edition of the HIR.