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60 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2021 Using Simulation to Assist With PCB Design ere are many different types of simula- tion soware on the market, which can be very helpful for the PCB designer. Each tool has its own set of capabilities and limits. Understanding the basic attributes can help the designer choose the appropriate so- ware for their design task. In general, the tool which most designers use for more complex structures, found in RF and high-speed digital (HSD) applications, is the field solver. How- ever, there are several different types of field solvers. Knowing the basic differences between sim- ulation tools can be important for many rea- sons. In some cases, one type of field solving soware will yield more accurate results than another type due to how the soware performs the field solving and how the modeled struc- ture is meshed. Additionally, the closed form equation soware is usually much faster for generating results as compared to field solving soware, but closed form equations are typi- cally less accurate, and they have more limits for the type of structure to be modeled. Software Options ere are several closed form equations pro- grams which are used for some RF and HSD design considerations. One of these programs is available for free download from the Rogers Technology Support Hub. [1] . MWI-2019 uses many different closed form equations based Lightning Speed Laminates Feature Column by John Coonrod, ROGERS CORPORATION

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