PCB007 Magazine


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30 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2021 is designed to get your name in front of the right customers. One of my clients has written and published three of these informative books and, as a result, they are marketing to a data- base of over 11,000 qualified, content-hungry, grateful engineers. ese are all engineers who signed up for the free downloads of these books and voluntarily gave up their contact informa- tion. My client is now considered the expert and industry leader for each of the technolo- gies their books cover. Best of all, they are now furnishing these 11,000 engineers with sought- aer technical information. eir business has grown a whopping 75% since they wrote their first I-007 eBook two years ago. e best and most efficient way a PCB com- pany can market to engineers is by finding ways to show off their technological knowl- edge, experience, and prowess. Try it for yourself… it works. PCB007 For more information on the above-mentioned programs, visit I-007e.com. Dan Beaulieu is president of D.B. Management Group. To contact Beaulieu, or read past columns click here. This profile must include not only the job descrip- tion but the things the ideal candidate is interested in outside of the company. Companies must develop a career profile to show the right candidates not only what the job will entail but where it will lead as well. The author completes the book with a detailed de- scription of what must be done to develop the next generation of leaders for the future. This is a very important and timely book. It is per- fect for the time we are ex- periencing as we struggle to replace our aging work force with a new wave of vibrant, educated, talent- ed, and passionate young people. This book is a valu- able handbook for build- ing the future of your com- pany. Buy it and read it. It will be the best investment you've made this year. Find on Amazon.com. In the first chapter of his book on hiring, author Chris Czarnik discusses the differences between boomers and millennials: boomers wanted security while millennials want purpose and social conscious- ness. Boomers wanted to support their family while millennials want work that they are passionate about. Back when the boomers were first looking for jobs, they were at the severe disadvantage of there being too many of them and too few jobs; today, there are too many jobs and too few millennials. These details are combined with what the author calls the "Silver Tsunami." Boomers are aging out, which has caused the current issues of bringing new young people not only into our industries but into our companies as well. This is what we are facing today, and this book answers what we can do about it. Czarnik rightfully points out that our HR depart- ments must be in "sales mode"; they must be out there selling to young people about joining their com- panies. They have to make positions in their compa- nies and overall industries appealing to the people they are trying to hire. He suggests that we create a "Target Employee Profile" describing exactly the right people we want to hire. BOOK REVIEW Dan's Biz Bookshelf: Winning the War for Talent by Dan Beaulieu Winning the War for Talent: Recruit, Retain, and Develop the Talent Your Business Needs to Survive and Thrive

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