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68 SMT007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2021 Feature Article by Jonathon Vermillion BALL AEROSPACE One of the most frequent questions I was asked during the last year was about the biggest changes in revision H of the IPC J-STD-001 Re- quirements for Soldered Electrical and Elec- tronic Assemblies. e J-STD-001 is the mate- rial and process requirements used for manu- facturing of electronic assemblies. e latest revision of the J-Standard was mostly completed online with working group meetings. ere were more than 1,700 com- ments submitted to the H revision, including those from the IPC-A-610 Task Group. While some of these were editorial or overcome by events (OBE), there were still quite a few for a mostly all volunteer task group. We achieved the first dra industry review (FDIR) mile- stone right aer IPC APEX EXPO 2020. One month later, we were all caught in the grips of a lockdown and a pandemic, and we planned to transition to online meetings. ere was simi- lar push at our day jobs, which made sense. It worked out well; we split up comments and IPC-J-STD-001: The State of the Standard worked as a team. I researched the technical comments, while co-chairperson Milea Kam- mer dispositioned the editorials. Technical comments must go to the task group for res- olution, as it takes a two-thirds group vote to close a comment. Sometimes we have com- ments that can't be accepted or dismissed. In that case, we might assign a working group to the issue. We usually find that when we can't reach consensus, we either don't have enough information or we haven't talked it out enough. In 2015, it was recognized that the long- standing cleanliness provisions of J-STD-001 Section 8 were no longer adequate for modern electronics and that a new approach was need- ed. A group of cleaning subject matter experts (SMEs), dubbed the Rhino team, were assem- bled to create the new protocol. is group of SMEs was led by Doug Pauls of Collins Aero- space, a long-time leader in cleaning materi- als and processes in the IPC. He said "tiger" was overused and he always had a fondness for the rhino, a particular animal of the Seren- geti. e team was tasked to come up with a better way of characterizing acceptable/unac-

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