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72 SMT007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2021 editorial in the first place. e Space Addendum (SA) group does not know what needs to be mitigated until the latest revision is released. For example, that group determined that the heel fillet requirement for gull wing parts should be le at one lead thickness. at may have caused some confusion if the symbol was missing from the root document. Also, there are more addendums being released. e Auto Addendum (AA) is very popular, and they will be building more hardware than the Space Addendum group (for now at least). More addendums to the J-STD-001 are being released. e Auto Addendum is very popular and will build more hardware than the Space Addendum group (for now at least). Whereas the Space Addendum is used for hardware ex- posed to vibration and extreme thermal cyclic service environments (i.e., spacecra, critical military) the Auto Addendum is focused on automotive electronics and their unique pro- cesses and applications. Currently we are accepting comments for revision J. We have a December 5 deadline for comments to be addressed at IPC APEX EXPO 2022. We have working groups address- ing such issues as "lead, wire, conductor" and where they are used, as well as criteria for sol- der cup wetting/fill. We have a team looking to consolidate the minimum electrical clear- ance (MEC) and give examples, stating that it's always a defect when it's violated. We will be meeting face to face at APEX and I look for- ward to seeing everyone there. If you haven't participated in the past, we are always looking for ways to make the documents better for ev- eryone, so please join us. SMT007 Jonathon Vermillion is principle M&P engineer at Ball Aerospace co-chair of the J-STD-001 Task Group. Researchers at the National Institute of Informa- tion and Communications Technology, in collabora- tion with researchers at the National Institute of Ad- vanced Industrial Science and Technology and the Tokai National Higher Education and Research Sys- tem Nagoya University have succeeded in develop- ing an all-nitride superconducting qubit using epi- taxial growth on a silicon substrate that does not use aluminum as the conductive material. This qubit uses niobium nitride (NbN) with a superconducting transition temperature of 16 K (-257 °C) as the electrode material, and alumi- num nitride (AlN) for the insulating layer of the Jo- sephson junction. It is a new type of qubit made of all-nitride materials grown epitaxially on a silicon substrate and free of any amorphous oxides, which are a major noise source. By realizing this new material qubit on a silicon substrate, long coherence times have been ob- tained: an energy relaxation time (T1) of 16 micro- seconds and a phase relaxation time (T2) of 22 mi- croseconds as the mean values. This is about 32 times T1 and about 44 times T2 of nitride supercon- ducting qubits grown on a conventional magnesium oxide substrate. By using niobium nitride as a superconductor, it is possible to construct a superconducting quantum circuit that operates more stably, and it is expected to contribute to the development of quantum com- puters and quantum nodes as basic elements of quantum computation. We will continue to work on optimizing the circuit structure and fabrication pro- cess, and we will proceed with research and devel- opment to further extend the coherence time and realize large-scale integration. (Source: NICT) All-nitride Superconducting Qubit Made on a Silicon Substrate

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