system for Defense to tie the service branches
together. To refresh your memory, Defense
issued a $10 billion-plus contract to Micro-
so for the massive cloud soware effort, and
Amazon appealed the award.
Lockheed Martin, Rafael Partner to
Develop SPICE-250 Weapon System
for US Military E
Lockheed Martin and Rafael Advanced
Defense Systems Ltd., of Israel, signed an
expanded teaming agreement, allowing the
team to jointly develop, market, manufacture
and support Rafael's Smart, Precise Impact
and Cost-Effective (SPICE™) 250 weapon
system for sale in the United States and in
The Scientific Journey of NASA's SpaceX
Crew-2 on the Space Station E
Aer more than six months aboard the Interna-
tional Space Station, the astronauts of NASA's
SpaceX Crew-2 mission returned home. e
four crew members traveled back to Earth
inside a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule.
Army Grants to Bolster Unique,
New Semiconductor Fab Facility E
More than $5 million in total funding from the
Army Research Office and the Army Research
Laboratory will go toward a unique silicon car-
bide semiconductor fabrication facility at the
University of Arkansas. e Army Research
Office grant will be used for equipment, and
the Army Research Laboratory grant for stu-
dent and staff compensation, tuition, and
materials for supporting collaborative research
activities with the Army Research Lab.
Key Tronic Announces Results for
Q1 Fiscal Year 2022 E
Key Tronic Corporation, a provider of elec-
tronic manufacturing services, announced its
results for the quarter ended October 2, 2021.
Monitoring the High Seas
at High Altitude E
Raytheon Intelligence & Space demonstrated
the SeaVue MR and DAS-4 on the SeaGuardian
for the United Kingdom, e Netherlands and
12 other NATO member and partner nations
as part of the Joint Warrior demonstration in
the fall of 2021.
Honoring Those Who Served E
e I-Connect007 staff takes a moment on Vet-
eran's Day to honor those men and women over
the years, who served to protect and defend
their country. Just on the I-Connect007 staff,
we have loved ones who served in the mili-
tary, ranging from World War I to present-day
Electronics Manufacturing Outlook
Continues to Darken, Prices Increase
as Component Shortage Drags On E
A new global survey found that the global
shortage of semiconductors and other compo-
nents continues to have serious consequences
for electronics manufacturers, leading to rising
costs and higher prices.
Defense Speak Interpreted: What
Happened to Our Defense JEDI? E
JEDI stands for Joint Enterprise Defense Infra-
structure and is the backbone cloud computer