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70 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2022 In my last column, I highlighted the criti- cal drivers for model-based engineering. I explored the decomposition of system com- ponents from the initial requirements (the le side of the V diagram), emphesizing the advan- tages of maintaining a digital thread during this architectural break downacross multiple domains. In an earlier column, I addressed the role of the digital prototype in a digital trans- formation. I'd like to draw those two themes together and talk about the right side of the V (integration and verification). In traditional flows, system verification is all physical. You test individual units—mean- ing each PCB by itself, each IC by itself. Once these are verified, you put these components together and move on to subsystem verifi- cation to make sure the parts perform cor- rectly with each other. Even at the individual board or IC level, the cost of respins is exor- bitant, so waiting until they're all integrated (including mechanical structures and soware) sends the cost and schedule through the roof. A better approach leverages digital twins to shi verification to earlier in the flow by replac- ing physical prototypes with digital models. In this process, digital twins, as opposed to physi- cal prototypes, are progressively integrated and verified—from the individual units all the way to the complete system. Leveraging Model-based Engineering to Manage Risk, Part 2 Digital Transformation by David Wiens, SIEMENS EDA