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40 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2022 e worst part of the global COVID pan- demic brought unpredictability and uncer- tainty to an otherwise stable PCB Industry. Like many in the board business, Sunstone faced increasing demand from essential busi- nesses while also dealing with inconsistent employee availability and social distancing guidelines that slowed the manufacturing pro- cess. We knew immediately that even though the status quo had worked to this point, the sit- uation was not temporary, and the operation would have to adapt. Commitment to Lean Sustains Quality We have been vocal proponents of the Lean manufacturing philosophy for some time, as it is a foundation for delivering quality to our cus- tomers. For the past few years, our Lean cul- ture and adherence to Lean principles helped Leaning into Lean Manufacturing Sunstone survive and excel during the most challenging business environment in recent memory. COVID renewed and expanded our commitment to Lean principles to sustain the quality of our work and maintain the safety of our employees. Lean manufacturing is a set of guiding prin- ciples aimed at improving efficiencies and pro- ductivity—reducing waste in the process. As defined by the Lean Enterprise Institute, the five core principles of Lean are: 1. Defining value 2. Mapping the value stream 3. Creating flow 4. Using a pull system 5. Pursuing perfection Lean builds more value into the PCB man- ufacturing process. Customers benefit from improved products and employees find them- selves working in safer conditions. Our Lean work environment made it easier for us to adapt to changing safety requirements brought about by COVID. While many shops struggled with adapting manufacturing processes to social distancing guidelines, Lean practices helped Sunstone more quickly construct a safe, more productive workplace. e core of Lean is the practice of identify- ing the true value of every component in the manufacturing process. e pandemic caused us to look more closely at the nature of each task, eliminating those elements of production that did not add value, but perhaps did present Connect the Dots by Matt Stevenson, SUNSTONE CIRCUITS

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