Summit Interconnect Acquires Royal
Circuit Solutions and Affiliates E
e acquisition of Royal Circuit Solutions
expands Summit's PCB offering in rigid,
flex, rigid-flex and ATE PCBs, significantly
strengthens engineering and service resources
providing CAM, DFM/A, PCB design/lay-
out, and also adds quick-turn, prototype SMT
assembly services.
EIPC Technical Snapshot: Supporting
Autonomous Driving E
EIPC's 17th Technical Snapshot webinar
focused on developments in automotive elec-
tronics, particularly on advances in the tech-
nologies required to support the evolution of
autonomous driving.
PCB Technologies' InPack to Focus on
Miniaturization, Packaging E
PCB Technologies' Jeff De Serrano, Yaniv
Maydar, and Alon Menache explain their plans
to focus on advanced packaging, miniaturiza-
tion, and other high-end technology, with
much faster time to market, and they offer a
view of the global market as well.
Addressing the Gap in Process
Performance E
e first steps in process improvement are to
determine what the gap is and why it happens.
Having a process is not sufficient; the process
needs to be effective as well. For those respon-
sible for creating and maintaining processes,
the ultimate goal is to create a procedure that
becomes self-perpetuating, that seeps into the
fabric of the company's culture.
Additive Reality: Let's Drop a Line
About PCB Cross Section E
My article in the April 2022 issue of Design007
Magazine, t itled "Addit ive Manufac tur-
ing Requires Additive Design Techniques,"
presented several cross sections of solder mask
coated with an inkjet technology.
The New Chapter: Prepping for
an Internship? Three Tips to
Shore Up Your Skills E
When I first logged onto my computer in sum-
mer 2021, I was beyond nervous. I had just
accepted the role of corporate intern at Cater-
pillar Inc. at first day made me realize that
I wasn't expected to know everything. I was
there to learn.
Testing Todd: Optimize Your
Training Time E
Today's training has become an essential part of
any operation, especially because most Quality
Management Systems (QMS) require this. To
be compliant with ISO9001 you must maintain
a competence and training system.
Happy's Tech Talk #7:
Next Generation Application
Specific Modules E
In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted that the
number of transistors that could be packaged
into a square inch of space would double every
year for the near future. Although his projec-
tion was later revised to every 18 months,
Moore's Law has withstood the test of time for
five decades.