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62 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2022 Feature Article by Scott Miller FREEDOM CAD SERVICES ere is a new acronym bubbling up in the design world: DWM, which stands for "design with manufacturing." Why is this different than design for manufacturing, or DFM? With DWM, the emphasis is on integration between the design team and the manufacturers during the design process. DWM is much more than that. As an engineering service company, we pro- vide design services to companies that require additional capacity to meet time-to-market objectives or technical expertise that may be beyond the experience or core competency of the company we are supporting. Whatever the reason, we are tasked with producing designs that meet various technical requirements, yet are cost-effective and man- ufacturable. We provide this service to hun- dreds of customers who have varying degrees of processes, tools, and manufacturing part- ners. Given this diversity, we have recognized the importance of designing with manufactur- ing to achieve the product development goals of manufacturability and technical excellence. Our business revolves around printed circuit board design services. We are not an OEM and we don't develop products; therefore we start with customer-supplied data. e depth of the data varies depending upon the customer and the project, but we are receiving inputs from the customer to start the process. is is when the most important part of the process starts: communication. It's important to under- stand the technical and tactical requirements. Producing Diverse Designs in Concert With Manufacturing

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