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72 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2022 entire design team. e ripple effect of these supply-chain issues felt by the design team was painful and led to about 12 churn layout pro- cess loops. In my three decades of experience, I have never seen supply chain issues this bad. Talk about feeling the pain. It was brutal. According to a survey published by Lifecy- cle Insights in April 2022, the negative impacts from supply chain dis- r uption on these linear processes are significant and can be detr imental to a company's overall success. W hether it is due to increases in the average time engineers spend replacing compo- nents or the extra time it takes to update board designs aer replacing an electronic compo- nent, availability, life- cycle, and compliance issues continue to lead t o l o n g e r s c h e d u l e s and budget overr uns. The metr ics captured in industry surveys and from anecdotal evidence speak for themselves. In the current state, operations combined with today's sourcing chaos in the supply chain, engineering teams are finding it harder and harder to be successful. From the perspec- tive of many engineering teams, there are four key areas where supply chain disruptions have impacted their projects, with the net result Figure 6: The average amount of time required to update a design after replacing an electronic component on a board due to availability, lifecycle, or compliance. Figure 7: Four key areas where supply chain disruptions impact engineering projects.

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