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48 SMT007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2022 dards updates, education and workforce train- ing developments, Factory of the Future solu- tions, advanced packaging updates, member profiles, and more. It's news and information to help you be more competitive and profitable. "We have so many good things going on within our organization, it's challenging to deliver content where our members can easily read, consume, and share it in a single place," says Brian Knier, IPC chief marketing offi- cer. IPC effectively uses its website and social media channels, but was looking for something even more creative, with a way to tell great sto- ries about what's happening inside IPC and in the greater member community. "We are a member organization and this is primarily a member magazine," Knier says of IPC Community. "We also serve a larger com- munity, so our hope is that when you read this, you will see all that IPC is doing to help the greater electronics community." But it's more than that, he continues, because it's an opportunity to infuse "community" Launching IPC Community Magazine Article by Michelle Te I-CONNECT007 IPC is well known for its cutting-edge stan- dards development, certification and training, advocacy, and industry intelligence reports that directly impact its members. Now, IPC leads the industry in yet another direction—the launch of an industry-specific quarterly magazine, IPC Community, that cel- ebrates member success while sharing the important work being done within IPC to bet- ter serve its members and the greater electron- ics manufacturing community. In fact, when IPC President and CEO John Mitchell travels on behalf of IPC, his interac- tions with others oen center on creating con- nections through a healthy global ecosystem. He wants those he meets to see and feel the importance of that message. With a mission to help members "build electronics better," Mitchell wants them to understand they're all working toward the same goal. To further enhance that goal, IPC Commu- nity digital magazine will share and celebrate member success stories, committee and stan- WINTER 2023