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42 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2022 for a car turbo charger, components for jet engines, and many more items. Need a New or Updated Professional Headshot? No matter what your career level, having a good headshot is invaluable with today's use of social media platforms like LinkedIn, Insta- gram, and Facebook. It's always important for people to put their "best face forward" with an updated, professional-looking headshot. Stop by the Real Time with… IPC in Booth #2019 to get your complimentary professional headshot anytime during show hours. Connect with IPC by visiting us in Booth #833 to learn how IPC standards, education and training, advocacy, and solutions can help you and your company build electronics bet- ter through: • Standards: Our more than 300 IPC Stan- dards, covering every step in the electron- ics manufacturing supply chain. • Education: e variety of education we offer to deliver consistent and effective training across your organization. • Workforce training: Electronics work- force training is available 24/7 on the IPC EDGE Learning Management System. IPC's courses include detailed illustrations, video presentations, interac- tive activities, and practice quizzes, all formulated to make complex topics easy to understand and master. Each topic is carefully selected to align with the skills and competencies vital to advancing an electronics career at any level. • Advocacy: IPC is the leader in global advocacy, together with its members, and strives to engage in global government relations and environmental policy advo- cacy that are in line with IPC's mission to both further the competitive excellence and financial success of its members while protecting the environment. Whether it's engaging with policymakers in Washing- ton, D.C., in the European Union, or in China, IPC and its members proactively seek opportunities to educate, inform, and influence policymakers on policies that spur innovation, growth, and competition while protecting human health and the environment. • Solutions: By collaborating with the electronics manufacturing industry, we can identify and launch new products and services that address important challenges and leverage new opportunities. IPC's Factory of the Future is a new "solutions" program to lead, assist, and guide the elec- tronics manufacturing industry through the next industrial revolution by solving real business challenges. Show Floor Hours • Tuesday, Jan. 24, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Wednesday, Jan. 25, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. • ursday, Jan. 26, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. e Exhibit Hall Only (Event Essentials Pass) is free through online registration until Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023, and includes access to the Exhibit Hall and the following events: • Tuesday's Show Floor Welcome Reception • Opening Keynote Session • Poster Presentations • Newcomers Networking Reception • Women in Electronics Networking Reception • Exhibitor Product Showcase Corridor • Ice Cream Social on the show floor For a complete list of registration options and packages or to register today, visit: PCB007 Alicia Balonek is senior director for trade shows and events at IPC.